Getting Started

Green Lake

Just as walking around Green Lake starts with a single step, beginning the journey in OA starts with a single step. Others who have been on the path before, can help you on the way.

Getting Started
1. Go to a meeting.
Try 6 meetings as they’re all different.
The meetings now are all online.
What to Expect at a Meeting: Click here
2. Call someone. At meetings, people give out their phone numbers. People like to get calls or texts as it helps them as much as it helps you. (Step 12).

3. David can send you a pamphlet called “Where to Start.”
Newcomers Packet Email
4. Get a sponsor. A sponsor will guide you through the 12 Steps and Traditions. They also can help you sort out your abstinence and plan of eating.
5. Also valued are Recovery Buddies. It is fun to notice if someone comes in the program at the same time as you. You can say “hi” to them and get their number. If you ask “How are you?” and listen – this is actually a 12-step! When we are new to the program we are often in self-pity or self-loathing and this gets us thinking about someone else.
“The act of refraining from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors while working towards or maintaining a healthy body weight.” Each member defines their own abstinence.
Plan of Eating:
A plan of eating helps us abstain from compulsive eating.  You may hear, “I’m on a 3-1-1 Plan…” which translates to “I eat 3 meals a day, one snack, one day at a time, with life in-between.” Each member chooses their own plan of eating. The Dignity of Choice pamphlet explains this rather well.
Anonymity: It is your choice if you tell others you are in OA, but who you see at meetings is strictly confidential. It’s half of the name, “Overeaters Anonymous.” This includes around the neighborhood and on Social Media.Big Book: The basic textbook of Alcoholics Anonymous is acceptable reading in an OA meeting. All AA books are OA approved literature. There are free Big Books online.
Fellow: In the Big Book, they always say, “our fellows” instead of men and women, so that stuck in OA.Share/Crosstalk: At meetings people share their experience, strength and hope with each other. The OA literature doesn’t mention crosstalk but an informal traditions have evolved. We don’t ask someone a question after they share or during their share. Also frowned upon is mentioning another’s name and saying: “You should do this!” After the meeting – you can ask all the questions you want. Or give someone in pain a hug or a kind word.
Home Group: A group where you feel “at home” and they may ask you to do some kind of “service.” Service is helping out the group in some type of task, like volunteering to read during the meeting or saying hi to another newbie.Special Topic: Each meeting has a mind of its own – you will find meetings on the Big Book, OA literature, special topic, 12 Steps, and sometimes a speaker shares for 20 – 30 minutes. HOW meetings have a more structured approach to Plans of Eating & Abstinence.
Focus: We treasure diversity in every meeting, but OA also has Men’s meetings, Spanish Speaking, LGBT, ABC, and Ebony Meetings. LA meetings have a wide variety of special focus meetings.ABC – stands for Anorexic Bulimia Focus. We welcome you at every meeting, but if you want more help here are some ABC meetings.
Tuesdays 7:30 am – Pacific Time – click here
Saturday 11:00am -Anorexia/Bulimia Focus (Phone) 
PHONE: 515-604-9094 PIN: 715894#.