
GSI Meeting Greater Seattle Intergroup

1st Tuesday of each month. 7:15 PM – 8:45 PM Pacific Time

Zoom Meeting ID: 952 3495 7460
Passcode: 201747

One tap mobile
+12532158782,,95234957460# US (Tacoma)

GSI explained…

Each OA group is autonomous but sends someone (GSI Rep) to get together with the other group's representatives. Greater Seattle Intergroup meets once a month to solve common problems or remind people to instigate fun events. For example, at the beginning of the pandemic each group put their meeting on Zoom separately, but GSI came up with the idea to get a large Zoom account for a cheaper rate and offer this free to groups. Since each group attempts to give 60% of their donations back to Intergroup - it was a fair exchange. GSI also provided a training session on the best way to use Zoom and protect anonymity. GSI is called a service body.
Regions are composed of groups, intergroups, and service boards within specified geographic boundaries and the virtual community. OA is divided into eleven regions. This is funded by the groups which try to give 10% of their donations to the Region. The regions support the Groups.

Check out Region One.

The Intergroup also responds to recommendations from OA as a whole which is called the World Service Office (WSO). This is OA’s business office located in Rio Rancho, New Mexico USA. The legal and official business of OA is conducted by paid professional staff, working together with the Board of Trustees. They provide over 150 OA books and pamphlets, the OA website, public information, fabulous conferences and keep us focused on the Traditions. Each group tries to donate 30% of their donations to this office. It may seem like they are the head honchos, but their sole focus is to serve the group.

Check out the World Service Office.