Please like our new GSI Facebook Page on Facebook.

Anonymity: If you are concerned about anonymity, this is a business page not an interactive group. We would just like people to like it and not comment.
Hint: Stop Facebook Friends from seeing pages you like: go to your profile | About, More, Manage Sections, and uncheck Liked Pages. This way, anyone going to your page and looking through your liked pages will not see the pages you like. (Who is going to be that snoopy, anyhow?) How to hide likes. If anyone types in Seattle Overeaters Anonymous and they are a friend of yours, they will see “One Friend” likes this page. However, if someone you aren’t friends with – like if a potential employer just happened to check Seattle Overeaters Anonymous they wouldn’t see that you like this. We’ve already had 2 people visit the last event by having a Facebook Page.