OA Meetings on Zoom, Hybrid & F2F


  • 8:30 am Bellevue Alano Club, 12302 NE 8th St, Bellevue, WA. Contact: Peter, 206-788-7458
  • 9 am Bellingham, 3802 James Street, Bellingham WA 98226, Contact: Mary 360-420-1044
  • 5 pm, WaFD Bank at 300 E. Fairhaven Ave., Burlington, WA (parking and entrance is behind the bank. Contact phone: Kay S., 907-957-2002


  • 10:00 AM Phinney Ridge at St John’s United Lutheran Church, 5515 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103. Masks are optional.  Ring the door bell and someone will come open the door.
  • 10:30 AM Anacortes Lutheran Church, 2100 “O” Ave,  Anacortes, WA 98221. Contact Colleen, 360-708-8796
  • 10:30 AM Burien, Highline United Methodist Church, 13015 1st Ave S, Burien WA 98168, Contact Jackie B 206-870-4466


  • 5:30 PM Bellingham at First Congregational Church, 2401 Cornwall Ave, Fireside Room – enter from the large parking lot around the back using the smaller door on the right, Contact: Diana, 360-483-9441
  • 6 PM First United Methodist Church, 210 N Ruby St Class #3 Ellensburg, WA 98926, Contact: Robin, 509-607-9774.

  • 7 PM Auburn at the South King Alano Club, 1317 Harvey Rd, Auburn, Contact: Aen (360) 914-2577
  • 7 pm Northgate Haller Lake meets in-person, separate from online meeting at the same time, Haller Lake United Methodist Church, 13055 First Ave NE Seattle (details here)  
  • 7 PM South Whidbey, Langley United Methodist Church, 301 Anthes Avenue, Langley, WA 98260. Contact: Kevin N, (206) 395-9622


  • 5:30 PM, North County Christ the King Church, 1816 18th St, Lynden, WA. Corner room. Contact Rose (360)255-9258


  • 5:30 PM Eastsound, Orcas Island Family Center, Susan, 360-461-9846
  • 6:30 PM 3802 James Street, Bellingham WA 98226, Contact: Mary 360-420-1044
  • 7 PM Anacortes at Anacortes Center for Spiritual Living, 1013 5th Street, Suite 1, Anacortes. Contact Jennifer (951) 237-8626
  • 7 pm Monroe Congregational United Church of Christ 301 Lewis St. Monroe, WA 98272, contact Sandi W 425-417-8418


  • 8:30 AM Woodinville is meeting at Woodinville Methodist Church , 17110 140th Ave NE, Memorial Room, Woodinville, WA 98072.  Contact Ruchi S 425-614-5578
  • 9 am Friday Harbor, 395 Spring Street, Friday Harbor, WA 98250, contact David 360-378-8436
  • 9 am Recovery from Relapse, Our Lady of Lourdes Hall, 1107 W. Fremont Ave Room 1, Selah, WA 98942, contact Maureen 509-895-7996
  • 10 AM University district: University Congregational United Church of Christ Church, 4515 16th Ave NE, Seattle. Enter at main entrance on 16th Ave — the large glass doors at top of stairs. Newcomers are welcome! FREE PARKING AVAILABLE: https://www.universityucc.org/parking-and-access/ ]. For questions or accessibility needs, email Val  valoa206@gmail.com.
  • 10 AM West Seattle OA at Peace Lutheran Church, 8316 39th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98136, lower level. Contact Jane (206) 650-0277
  • 10 AM Bellingham at James Presbyterian Church: 910 14th St., Bellingham. Contact Elaine F (360) 393- 7306

Have a mask handy as each meeting is autonomous and has different requirements.

Sunday: 8:30 AM Bellevue Alano Club meets online and in-person every week. 

Monday 10:00 AM Phinney Ridge meets on Zoom and in-person every week.

Thursday:  Monroe 7pm meets online and in-person every week.

Saturday April 5, Bothell/Mill Creek meeting online and in-person at Bothell United Methodist Church, 18515 92nd Ave NE, Bothell, WA 98011, 8:30-9:30 am

Online + In-person = Hybrid  |  How To Hybrid – (details here)

see the in-person or zoom meetings section for that meeting day for more info. 

6:30am meeting 7 days a week called  Start your day with OA will start your day right! details

Donate to Sunday Meetings via GSI Paypal 

 Donate to Monday Meetings via GSI Paypal 

    • 6:30 AM Start your day with OA (details here)
    • 5:30 PM Redmond | Literature | Newcomers Welcome! (details here
    • 7 PM Keep Coming Back, meets online separately from in-person meeting | Contact  Jana O. 206-368-8322 (details here

Donate to Wednesday Meetings via GSI Paypal  


  Donate to Friday Meetings via GSI Paypal 

   Donate to Saturday Meetings via GSI Paypal 

GSi (Greater Seattle Intergroup) Meeting 

1st Tuesday of each month at 7:15 PM – 8:45 PM Pacific Time.

Click here to join the GSI Meeting

Meeting ID: 919 0245 4539
Passcode: 349597

Call in on your phone without installing Zoom:
Dial 1-253-215-8782,  Enter id on phone: 919 0245 4539#
*6 Mute/Unmute *9 Raise Hand/Lower Hand

Each OA group is autonomous but sends someone (GSI Rep) to get together with the other group’s representatives. Greater Seattle Intergroup meets once a month to solve common problems or remind people to instigate fun events. For example, at the beginning of the pandemic each group put their meeting on Zoom separately, but GSI came up with the idea to get a large Zoom account for a cheaper rate and offer this free to groups. Since each group attempts to give 60% of their donations back to Intergroup – it was a fair exchange. GSI also provided a training session on the best way to use Zoom and protect anonymity. GSI is called a service body.

Regions are composed of groups, intergroups, and service boards within specified geographic boundaries and the virtual community. OA is divided into eleven regions. This is funded by the groups which try to give 10% of their donations to the Region. The regions support the Groups.

Check out Region One.

The Intergroup also responds to recommendations from OA as a whole which is called the World Service Office (WSO). The business office of OA is located in Rio Rancho, New Mexico USA. The legal and official business of OA is conducted by paid professional staff, working together with the Board of Trustees. They provide over 150 OA books and pamphlets, the OA website, public information, fabulous conferences and keep us focused on the Traditions. Each group tries to donate 30% of their donations to this office. It may seem like they are the head honchos, but their sole focus is to serve the group.

Check out the World Service Office.

Each group can use any software they like to get online.  OA doesn’t endorse Zoom, but most groups just happened to choose that product. So Zoom Seattle! 

Tradition 6:

An OA group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the OA name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.