If you are a health provider, physician, therapist, nurse, dentist, dental hygienist, nutritionist, dietician, or member of the Professional Community, we welcome your interest in Overeaters Anonymous. OA can complement any treatment plan you have for your patients. We, ourselves, do not give out medical or diet recommendations because we have had much advice from friends that didn’t help at all. Instead we share our experience, strength, and hope in a supportive environment.
Based on the 12-steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Overeaters Anonymous was formed in 1960 and has helped many people to recover from Binge Eating Disorder, Night Eating, Anorexia, Bulimia, Sugar Addiction, and Emotional Eating, etc. The food problems are as diverse as our membership, but we all come together and find solutions in the 12 steps. At a meeting, your patient may hear someone openly talking about a secret they’ve been keeping for a long time. Shame decreases when they realize they’re not alone.
Resources from OA.org.
Testimonials from Professionals – The Courier Newsletter
When Should I Refer Someone to Overeaters Anonymous? – Downloadable Pamphlet

Click here for survey results from OA members who find their lives significantly improved.
All of the meetings are currently on Zoom at this time in adherence to the Washington State COVID restrictions. When your patients attend a meeting, they can ensure anonymity by using their first names only. Your patients can turn their video off and just observe. They can call into a meeting without using Zoom.
The 2017 OA Membership Survey data shows that 16% were referred from Health Care/Mental Health professionals, and we thank you for that. Thank you for stopping by. Your understanding could make all the difference.
Contact: Colleen M – pi-po@seattleoa.org